want to work with us?

Would like to be an aktive member?

Working within the Fishing Engineering PET Group at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia means working in a professional, friendly atmosphere, where you will have multiple opportunities to develop your knowledge and sharpen your skills concerning teaching, researching and extension actions under the guidance of the actually tutor. Discover the world of Fishing Engineering with the help of modern tools and technologies that are actively used at our dynamic group.

Bruna Martins Viégas Pinheiro
Work With Us
Bruna Martins Viégas PinheiroEstudante de graduação / Bolsista Discente do 1° semestre do curso de Engenharia de Pesca na Universidade Federal...
Danielly Beltrão Brito
Danielly Beltrão Brito
Graduate student / Scholarship Holder
Student of the second semester of Fisheries Engineering, joined the Tutorial Education Program in 2020.
David do Nascimento Oliveira
David do Nascimento Oliveira
Undergraduate student / Scholarship holder
Joined the graduation in 2017. He is currently a Fellow of the PET Pesca group and a member of the junior company.
Felipe Antonio da Silva Júnior
Felipe Antonio da Silva Júnior
Undergraduate Student / Scholarship
graduating in Fisheries Engineering since 2017. He is currently a member of the PET Pesca Group and a member of the Academic Center.
Hana Carolina Saleira Pinto
Hana Carolina Saleira Pinto
Undergraduate student / Scholarship holder
Fishing engineering undergraduate of Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia – UFRA
Lucas Garcia Martins
Lucas Garcia Martins
Undergraduate student / Scholarship Holder
Graduating in Fisheries Engineering, with emphasis in the study of Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography.
Luiz Fernando Gomes dos Passos
Luiz Fernando Gomes dos Passos
Undergraduate student / Scholarship holder
Graduation student of the Fishery Engineering course at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia – UFRA
Marko Herrmann
Marko Herrmann
Professor / Doctor in Marine Biology / Tutor
Actually researching and teaching at graduate and undergraduate courses at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia.
Matheus Silva de Almeida
Matheus Silva de Almeida
Engenheiro de Pesca / Ex-bolsista
Studying Fishery Engineering at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia.
Michel Martins Bandeira
Michel Martins Bandeira
Undergraduate student / Non-scholarship holder
Graduating from the Fishery Engineering course at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia – UFRA.
Nilo do Nascimento Neto
Nilo do Nascimento Neto
Undergraduate student / Scholarship holder
Joined the graduation in 2017. He is currently a Fellow of the PET Pesca group and a member of the junior company.
Pablo Costa Jastes Alves
Pablo Costa Jastes Alves
He started his graduation in 2019. He is currently a fellow of the PET Pesca group and an intern at the company Arapaima Brasil.
Valdo Sena Abreu
Valdo Sena Abreu
Engenheiro de Pesca / Ex-bolsista
Fishing Engineering Student. Scholarship holder of the PET fishing group since February 2017
Victoria Monteiro Castelhanno
Victoria Monteiro Castelhanno
Undergraduate Student / Scholarship
Undergraduate student of Fisheries Engineering. Scholarship holder of the PET Pesca group since 2023. Currently an intern at the RARE Brazil...
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