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PET Fishery

PET Fishery is the Tutorial Education Program (PET) of Fishing Engineering of the Socioenvironmental and Water Resources Institute (ISARH) of the Federal Rural University of Amazonia (UFRA), developed by a group of students, with tutoring by a teacher, organized from undergraduate level training in the country’s higher education institutions, guided by the principle of inseparability between teaching, research and extension and tutorial education.

What does he do?

Fishing Engineer

The Fishing Engineer applies knowledge and technologies in the localization, capture, cultivation, processing and conservation of aquatic species such as fish, crustaceans and seafood. It is he who plans, coordinates and implements integrated activities for the exploitation of natural resources, sustainable cultivation and exploitation, and the industrialization and commercialization of fish. It performs the analysis and management of the water and soil quality of the cultivation units, as well as studies of technical-economic feasibility. The main areas of activity are:

Aquatic ecology
Fishing extension
Production of aquatic species
Technology of fishery production
Fish benefit, processing and transformation
What we do?

Work with us

(1) Newcomer training, (2) monitoring, (3) in-depth support for professional development and academic training, (4) qualification in English and (5) meetings with the tutor.
(1) Initiation and (2) scientific methodology, (3) Participation in PET group meetings and (4) in scientific events.
(1) Creating, editing and managing of our website, (2) Creation of the electronic journal Journal of Aquatic Resources, (3) INTERPESCA, (4) PET Fishery at schools and (5) celebrating the Children’s Day.

People say about us

I am sure that the students involved in the PET Fishery group leave the university with a much broader and more complex vision of reality.

Prof. Dr. Ruth Helena Cristo AlmeidaProfessor at the Federal Rural University of Amazônia and Vice director of the Socio-Environmental and Water Resources Institute
Ruth Helena Cristo Almeida

The group is strong, kind and works in harmony with the indissociability between teaching, research and extension, being a facilitator in the process of building participatory knowledge. It will certainly continue to reach various levels of society.

Prof. Jonas Elias Castro da RochaExtension Pro-Rector Assistant of the Federal Rural University of Amazonia
Jonas Elias Castro da Rocha

They stand out in his formation in the areas of activity of the Fishing Engineer; the lived experience in teaching, researching and extension, makes them highly qualified for the job market and/or postgraduate courses.

Prof. Dr. Kátia Cristina de Araújo SilvaProfessor at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia
Kátia Cristina de Araújo Silva

The activities developed under the Tutorial Education Program make the professionals involved more competitive in the labor market, as well as citizens who are more engaged and concerned about the world around them.

Prof. Dr. Marcos Ferreira BraboProfessor at the Federal University of Pará / Bragança Campus and tutor of the PET Fisheries group at UFPA
Marcos Ferreira Brabo

Working with great enthusiasm, high motivation and good scientific knowledge in fisheries science and management leads to the publication of their results in international journals.

Prof. Dr. Marcel do Nascimento BotelhoDean of the Federal Rural University of Amazônia
Marcel do Nascimento Botelho

It's a very lively and serious group that is motivating everyone around. That's it, the word of order is MAKE IT HAPPEN. Count on me whenever you need!!!

Prof. Dr. Eduardo PaesProfessor at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia and leader of the research group Marine Ecology and Fisheries Oceanography of the Amazon
Eduardo Paes

It is a group of excellence. They are committed and very proactive, essential characteristics for professionals concerned with the sustainable development of natural resources.

Profa. Dra. Gracialda Costa FerreiraProfessor of the Institute of Agrarian Sciences and tutor of the Forest PET group
Gracialda Costa Ferreira

Findings of this PET Fishery group are of high importance and contribute significantly to the actual knowledge and discussion about aspects of fisheries and aquaculture.

Prof. Dr. Israel Hidenburgo Aniceto CintraProfessor at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia and Director of the Socio-Environmental and Water Resources Institute
Israel Hidenburgo Aniceto Cintra

They are talented young scientists who has demonstrated excellent work habits coupled with a high level of initiative and adaptability to new situations.

Prof. em. Dr. Ulrich Saint-PaulProfessor Emeritus at the University of Bremen, Germany
Ulrich Saint-Paul

The PET Fishery is a good example of a Tutorial Education Program, developing integrative actions and humanistic skills essential for an increasingly demanding market.

Prof. Dr. Ana Sílvia Sardinha RibeiroAssistant Dean of Teaching at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia
Ana Sílvia Sardinha Ribeiro
Oriented students