PET Pesca makes public the public notice for the third selection of 2017 new scholarship holders and non-scholarship holders for the group. Don’t miss this great opportunity and participate! It is now also possible to participate as a...
Read moreFinal selection result
The PET Pesca group makes public the final result of ANNOUNCEMENT nº 02/2017/PETPESCA/UFRA, selection of non-scholarship holders for the Tutorial Education Program (PET) of the Fisheries Engineering course. The selection process had three stages...
Read moreFinal result
Tutorial Education Program – PET Pesca, after completing the selection process carried out by the Evaluation Committee composed of the members of the examining board Profª. Dr. Renata Akemi Shinozaki Mendes (1st Examiner), Prof. Dr. Kedma...
Read moreApproved inscriptions
PET Pesca, through this, makes public the approval of the registrations of students interested in participating in the selection process offered by the public notice 01/2020
Read moreNew registration deadline
Due to attacks recently suffered on our website, thus generating instability, the PET Pesca group through this news extends the registration period for the selection of new petians, the new deadline goes until November 16, 2020. Remembering that...
Read moreSelection of three petians
Through this, the PET Pesca group publishes the public notice for the selection of new petianos. In this public notice, up to three (3) petianos will be selected in the non-scholarship modality. Candidates awarded the vacancies may become...
Read moreFinal result of 7. Selection
The group PET Pesca – Tutorial Education Program in Fisheries Engineering, apost selection process finalized by the Evaluation Committee, composed of the members of the examining board Teacher Dr. Genylton Odilon Rêgo da Rocha (1° Examiner)...
Read moreHomologation of registrations
The PET Pesca, by means of this, make public the homologation of the registrations of students interested in participating in the selection process offered by the Edital No 02/2019/PET PESCA/UFRA. Students: span style=”color...
Read moreApproval of inscriptions
PET Pesca, through this, makes public the approval of registrations of students interested in participating in the selection process offered by the Edital N° 01/2022/PET PESCA/UFRA. Students: Camilly Pereira Duarte (1° Semestre) Danielly Beltrão...
Read moreWe are looking for new members
The PET Pesca group publishes the public notice for the selection of new petianos. In this public notice, up to four (4) petians will be selected in the non-scholarship modality. Candidates awarded the vacancies may become scholarship holders...
Read moreFinal Result of the 1st Selection of 2022
The Tutorial Education Program – PET Pesca, after completing the selection process, carried out by the Evaluation Committee, composed of the members of the examining board Prof. Dr. Reynaldo Amorim Marinho (1st Examiner), Prof. msc. Rafael...
Read moreFinal result of the 3. Selection
The PET Pesca group – Tutorial Education Program in Fisheries Engineering, after selection process finalized by the Evaluation Committee, composed of the members of the examining board Prof. Dr. rer. Nat. Marko Herrmann (President), Prof...
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