PLS meeting

PLS meeting

Today, the first meeting took place in the ISARH auditorium to reactivate the of Plan Logístics Sustainable (PLS) UFRA, integrating the PET groups, represented by Petians and tutors as well as by the interlocutor Nayara Mastub, with the direction...

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Meeting between PET’S

Meeting between PET’S

Aiming at integrating in a more productive and collaborative way between UFRA and UFPA PET groups,  the PET Pesca held a meeting on March 22, 2018 to prepare the continuation of the project PET IN THE SCHOOLS. The next school visited by the...

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Integration meeting

Integration meeting

The PET Fishery appreciates the presence of all the representatives of the UFRA PET Groups that participated in the meeting, since the integration between the various courses will serve to develop activities and projects, demonstrating that it is...

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