Among the works, tests and other means by which a student is evaluated during their graduation, the course conclusion work (TCC) is considered the one that requires more dedication and commitment. The student, guided by a professor, focuses on...
Read moreTCC Defense – Hana
On November 14, 2019, Petiana Hana presented, before the evaluation board composed by Professor Rosália Furtado Cutrim and Professor Maurício Willians de Lima, her course conclusion work entitled “Projections for the construction of an...
Read moreTCC Defense – Luiz
On November 4th, 2019, Luiz Fernando Gomes dos Passos, a member of the board of reviewers composed of Professors Ivan Furtado and Maurício Lima, carried out his course conclusion work entitled “Food dynamics of the red piranha Pygocentrus...
Read moreDefense of TCC – Cibele
On the 12th of November 2020, the Petiana Cibele Cristina Oeiras Freire carried out, before the evaluation committee composed by the Teacher Rosália Furtado Cutrim and the Teacher Fábio Sterzelecki, your course conclusion work entitled...
Read moreCharacterization of fish farming
Characterization of fish farming in the municipality of Concórdia do Pará – PA Estudo que objetiva realizar o diagnóstico da piscicultura desenvolvida no município de Concórdia do Pará, além disso o trabalho irá apresentar o...
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