Today, the first meeting took place in the ISARH auditorium to reactivate the of Plan Logístics Sustainable (PLS) UFRA, integrating the PET groups, represented by Petians and tutors as well as by the interlocutor Nayara Mastub, with the direction...
Read morePostponement II INTERFISHING
Due to the use of the facilities of the Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia for ENEM and other events, the II INTERPESCA was postponed to December 9 and 10, 2017. Go to the link and sign up:
The PET Pesca group makes public the public notice for the II Interpesca, which aims to provide students and ex-students, civil servants, professors and employees of the Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia with the integration, improvement and...
Read moreXV CEU/UFMG Summer Camp
From January 22 to 26, 2018, Petianas Aline Leão and Taiana Passos participated in the XV CEU/UFMG Holiday Camp, which in this edition had as its theme: Minas Gerais “Train that walks, Mundo that Gwrath”. The event took place at the School of...
Read moreIV INTERPESCA – succssesfully done
The PET Pesca group thanks all those who participated in the IV INTERPESCA, ccollaborating with the real objective of the event: integration of students, teachers, technicians and outsourced workers, in general all those who have a link with our...
Read moreIX INTERPESCA of 2019
Hora do calouro
No dia 17 de abril de 2018, às 15:30 hs, no ISARH o grupo PET Pesca fez a acolhida e apresentação aos ingressos do curso de Engenharia de Pesca do ano de 2018, o momento que esta denominado como “Hora do Calouro”. Na apresentação foi exposto o...
Read moreMeeting between PET’S
Aiming at integrating in a more productive and collaborative way between UFRA and UFPA PET groups, the PET Pesca held a meeting on March 22, 2018 to prepare the continuation of the project PET IN THE SCHOOLS. The next school visited by the...
Read moreIII INTERPESCA 2018
The PET Pesca advertise the 3ª edition of INTERPESCA, a sporting event held annually for the purpose of integrate the members of the entire UFRA community. In this edition we will have new sports modalities, for several categories such as: Male...
Read moreParticipation in FORPET 2018
On March 16 and 17 the PET Pesca group participated in FORPET 2018 in Castanhal, with the theme Integrate not to deliver with the aim of fostering integration among the PET groups in Pará. Among the activities developed was PET Action...
Read moreFORPET 2018
XXV FORPET 2018 Participation of the PET Fishery group XXV FORPET 2018 Assembleia Geral XXV FORPET 2018 Ação dos Grupos PETs XXV FORPET 2018 Estande do Grupo PET Pesca XXV FORPET 2018 XXV FORPET 2018 Interação com as crianças XXV FORPET 2018...
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