Divulga Pesca – About the Course

Fisheries Engineering: in the bachelor’s degree, the course will cover the areas of Aquaculture, Fisheries Technology, Fish Technology and will be taught with 57 disciplines lasting 5 years.

Fishing Engineering uses tools from different sciences, such as computing, physics and chemistry, and a set of techniques for the development of its activities. Subjects in the areas of exact and biological sciences, such as calculus, statistics, ecology, limnology, zoology and thermodynamics are part of this professional’s curriculum. The student takes classes in biochemistry, meteorology, fish technology, economics and others.

Practical and theoretical classes occupy a large part of the workload. Practical classes are held in laboratories and in the field. In them, the student learns navigation techniques, fish processing methods, fish cultivation, aquatic plants and other aquatic organisms.

The course is very broad and interesting with several opportunities in personal and professional scope with good remuneration.

Here’s another overview of the course, so stay tuned for upcoming posts!

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