From January 22 to 26, 2018, Petianas Aline Leão and Taiana Passos participated in the XV CEU/UFMG Holiday Camp, which in this edition had as its theme: Minas Gerais “Train that walks, Mundo that Gwrath”. The event took place at the School of Physical Education, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy (EEFFTO) and other spaces at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, this being an activity organized by the Tutorial Education Program (PET) – Physical Education and Leisure. It covered several activities and inclusive attractions for adults and children during the five days and had approximately 260 participants, including settlers and monitors who developed teaching, research and extension activities. PET Pesca congratulates the organizers of the event for the great work that has been carried out and thanks the partnership made between the PETs groups.
14. March 2022
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