Today, the first meeting took place in the ISARH auditorium to reactivate the of Plan Logístics Sustainable (PLS)
UFRA, integrating the PET groups, represented by Petians and tutors as well as by the interlocutor Nayara Mastub, with the direction of ISARH, represented by the deputy director teacher Dr. Ruth Helena and with Prof. Dr. Gilmara Teles, former coordinator of the project. We discussed ways and alternatives of the project for our sustainable future within our university community, considering that it is a fundamental project from the socio-environmental point of view, which aims to implement sustainability in the university, making it a reflection for society. The minutes of this meeting are available here. The next meeting will be on April 2nd, in the PET-Florestal room, located in the floodplain of UFRA.
Doctor in marine biology, university professor, tutor of the Fishery Engineering Tutorial Education Program - PET Pesca, actually researching and teaching at graduate and undergraduate courses at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia.
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